Lucas Abela 'Squirrels On Fire' C-21

Lucas Abela 'Squirrels On Fire' C-21


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When our outdoor table broke last year and shattered glass everywhere, I thought of Lucas Abela: the flagbearer of Australia’s noise community, and properly recognised through this world and others for his work in playing and breaking glass while abusing its sonic capabilities through a variety of processes over his decades’ 12” + CD of sound exploration.

‘Squirrels On Fire’ is glass allowed to stress, moan and creak as Lucas’ modular synth setup takes its whimpers and amplifies them into exaggerated electronics gestures. The tape was intended to inject some funds into Lucas’ 2023 USA tour which unfortunately was cancelled/downsized. Nonetheless these tapes exist in an edition of 50 copies, although I have very few available. Mastered by Grant Richardson, packaged in drawstring bags with artwork from Lucas’ son and shards of the glass table which instigated this release to begin with.